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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

California Riddled with Drought 

     Droughts are nothing new to the great state of California. The state has had to deal with the water shortages for years. In 2014 the mercury hit shocking temperatures and water levels were severely depleted. Citizens were urged to completely stop using water in whatever ways they could. the state also was destroyed by many fierce fires.  This year, a similar scenario  is developing. With summer  not even at its peak yet, and water supplies running out, it looks like there is a serious issue. 
  The drought started early this year and is only getting worse. Southern California is being engulfed by flames and the once green pine trees are now barren brown burnt sticks with scorched red needles raining off fried limbs. Through surveys taken by air craft over 999,000 acres of trees have been scorched by the flames. That is an estimated 12 million trees have been affected by the forest fires. These numbers are shocking as it is early in the season and the drought is only expected to worsen, 
The loss of so many trees is going to severely disrupt many parts of the ecosystems currently functioning in SoCal and the rest of the state. The incredible lack of water is also having a huge affect on the farming industry. California is a major nation wide producer and with its crops failing because of dehydration, availability of items will go down as prices go up. The world can only wait and watch to see the effects this catastrophe has. 


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